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Read effective sales techniques by Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy - a complete guide for a sales manager. Effective Selling Techniques According to Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy

A Complete Guide for a Sales Manager


German firms spent a lot of money on training their employees and sales agents, but there was a significant gap in management training. The consequence of this was a decline in production, worker dissatisfaction, and the decline of enterprises.

Many sales managers are former sales agents who have achieved success in their business and received this position in their companies. Sales agents who worked on their own become team leaders, causing many firms to lose good agents and gain weak managers.

A survey conducted in 1996 by employees of TGASU College AG among board members of trading companies showed that there are very few professional sales managers. Brian Tracy paid attention to this and created a special training program “Managing the Sales Process.” It gained enormous popularity in Germany, becoming a bestseller in 1996. Given such enormous interest in the topic, we decided to create a practical guide for managers in the form of a separate book.

We invite you to read this, perhaps the most comprehensive publication on the work of a sales manager. The information it contains is based on fifty years of research, numerous courses, thousands of conversations with sales managers and analysis of their performance in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, France and the United States.

You don't want to fall into the ranks of those sales managers who fail, get burned, quit their jobs, or go back to being salespeople without being able to adapt to the new demands of the job. We will help you acquire the necessary skills that will allow you to become a new type of sales manager and, together with your team, be sure to achieve success in your work.

Good luck to you!


Waldschut - Tiengen, September 1997.

1 Key tasks

The success of an enterprise depends on many factors, but the main one is the effectiveness of the sales manager. In every company, the sales manager is a key position. Success or failure in business depends on it.

Management is not a distinct discipline and there are no proprietary rules that guarantee success.

But the techniques that all successful sales managers use have long been known. This book will introduce you to methods that have been proven many times in practice. Your job is to absorb the information presented here and use it in your work. If you follow in your actions the same managers who have succeeded in sales, you will achieve the same results: success, respect and job satisfaction.


In this chapter we will cover the following topics:

There is a significant difference between a sales agent and a sales manager.

Seven roles played by a sales manager.

The difference between traditional and modern selling techniques.

Three basic rules on how to succeed in your business.

The tasks of a sales agent and a manager are fundamentally different. The first significant difference is that the main task of a sales agent is to make a profit. The sales agent meets and negotiates with the client. The main task of the manager is to instruct sales agents. Selection, training, support in the implementation of their tasks is the main area of ​​his activity, the manager is the teacher of his sales agents, and sales agents are those who directly influence income growth.

Another major difference is that as a sales agent, you work independently. When meeting with a client, you were your own boss. But as a manager, you must collaborate with other people, you are part of a larger whole, part of the company, a member of the team. You are no longer alone; you cannot behave and make decisions the same way as you did as a sales agent.

As a sales agent, you were like a professional football player left to his own devices. Now you act as a coach. You are no longer playing, but standing on the field line, inspiring your subordinates to fight, mobilizing, encouraging, and maintaining morale. You coach those who play on the field. The biggest mistake of all managers is that they run into fields they start playing, go with their representatives to meetings with clients and are directly involved in sales. They spend 51% of their time doing things they shouldn't.

Until now, you have been a member of a team of sales agents, one of those who acts directly on the market. Now you are no longer one of them, you are a member of the company's board. To salespeople, you are a representative of management.

So far, your job has been easy. Now you are faced with more difficult tasks. Your area of ​​competence has changed, you must take into account your employees, they are closely watching you. But the most important challenge if you want to be effective in your new role is to change your old way of thinking. Of course, you need to study, improve your skills at seminars and courses, but if you do not change your outlook on life, you will not succeed as a manager. What does it mean? Imagine looking through a kaleidoscope in which pieces of glass are arranged into a picture: if you want to change the picture, you need to turn the kaleidoscope so that the pieces of glass change their position. You remain the same person, with your own individual experiences, you have the same needs, desires and hopes, but you must change your views on life and work, this will be your key to success. Now we will discuss seven main tasks that a sales manager must solve:

1. You must formulate goals and determine how to implement them. Until now, your job has been to achieve goals. Now you have to put them.

2. You must plan a strategy for the area for which you are responsible. Until now, you received ready-made plans from your bosses or made them only for yourself. The ability to plan is one of the most essential qualities of a professional manager.

3. The organization of the work of the entire team depends on you. This means that you must draw up an action plan and work it out so that everything that needs to be done is outlined in great detail. You must distribute tasks in such a way as to achieve the expected results.

Brian Tracy, Effective selling methods according to Brian Tracy, M: Potpourri, 2002, 240 p. – Review

Effective Selling Techniques According to Brian Tracy

Among books about business, I prefer those whose authors went through the harsh school of life in their youth. As a rule, their books are less academic and more practical. When I came across the electronic version of Brian Tracy’s book “Effective Selling Methods,” I first looked at the author’s biography: he left school, worked as a worker, sailor and salesman. At the age of 30 he returned to school; then there was university and an academic degree. It seems like “our man.” The book, indeed, turned out to have no diagrams, but... it has very, very relative relevance to real modern sales.

Brian Tracy created his own company, Brian Tracy International, then Brian Tracy University and iLearningGlobal. He has written about 50 books (he gives out several books a year - Damn it!), released countless CDs, audio versions, etc. on almost all topics related to business, and not only business. I think that in terms of fertility he beat even such a “writer” as Jack Trout. His favorite topic is success. By the way, this book was published in the “Success” series.

In Russia he also has a branch, which is busy with his books and organizing seminars. The site touts Brian Tracy as "the world's most trusted business guru." An hour of his remote consultations allegedly costs $2.5 thousand. The guru allegedly holds conferences for thousands of people in Russia - something like Christ from business.

In short, without a doubt, Brian Tracy can serve as a model of American success. This model of impudence is already gaining followers in Russia.

As for selling, well... let's get back to the book.

When reading the book, one constantly senses the author's lack of proper schooling. It manifests itself in the confusion of the text, the randomness and far-fetched nature of some pieces and even chapters, and the amazing eclecticism. It is rare to find texts in which the main, the secondary and the tertiary are so skillfully lumped together. I'm not even talking about the mass of erroneous and outdated provisions.

A significant part of the book consists of chapters clearly taken from the author’s texts about success, the power of charm, the psychology of achievement, self-realization and other lyrics. Towards the end you get a little tired of a string of passages like this:

“The written formulation of one’s life ideal is a logical consequence of establishing a hierarchy of values. It will become your personal credo, determine your future and serve as a guide for all your actions. Your personal ideal is a description of the person you are and what you aspire to be.”

It’s funny that a person who in his youth tried several professions, and least of all stuck to any plans, then suddenly, in all seriousness, invites humanity, almost in school, to write a plan for their entire life in the form of a treadmill. I just want to ask a question - do you yourself believe in all this, Mr. Tracy?

The author moves from the lyrics to the topic of sales itself somewhat reluctantly, with difficulty. At first these are small pieces, from a paragraph to a page, interspersed with revelations dear to the author’s heart on the topics: “Seven rules for creating good relationships”, “A solid reputation - everything is taken into account”. These pieces are very interesting: from them you can judge the marketing culture of our sales guru, his understanding of the client and the sale itself.

In the original, the book is pathetically called “Advanced Selling Strategy”. But I didn’t find any strategy in the book, much less an advanced one. Most of the material would have looked bad even in pre-computer times (when I was taught sales), because even then no one in sales started from such incorrect premises:

Marketing– He shines in the book by his absence. Brian Tracy never understood that sales are part of marketing, conveying carefully verified selling information about a product and a company to the buyer. For our author, a seller is a lone craftsman without marketing support, a sales guide developed by marketers, without a website, etc. Tracy has not heard anything about selling points. He talks only about the characteristics of the product, believing that they are clear to a non-specialist buyer and can sell something.

Client– Very little space is devoted to him in the book. The author believes that the client became more professional after the war (why is not explained). This is true only in the sense that the client now has many sources of information that were not previously available. If by professionalism we mean the presence of the correct criteria for choosing a product, then little has changed. One could rather say that he became less professional. His helplessness is enhanced by the fact that he has to deal with many more product categories than his fathers and grandfathers. Most of the new categories are unfamiliar to him, many are highly technical and difficult to understand. If we add to this the rapidly changing situation in the markets, then you will not envy the modern client.

Further, for the author, the client is passive: he does not show initiative, does not scan the market, does not compare offers available on the market. This client supposedly clearly knows what place hundreds of firms occupy in the market. He sits and waits for the charming salesman, armed with "techniques" from Brian Tracy.

Fears– The client is allegedly filled to the brim with fears – they are given an undeserved amount of space in the book. “If a potential buyer refuses to buy, it comes from his fear of making a mistake.” . In other words, the buyer does not analyze anything, but only shakes with fear.

Now write down the author’s wisdom: “A conversation between a salesperson and a client is a collision of two worlds that represent their the worst sides (!?). On the one hand, there is a salesperson paralyzed by the fear of being rejected, and on the other, a client determined to avoid mistakes at all costs.” . Pleasant meeting, isn't it?

Remote 3 month

Needs– The client supposedly knows his needs very well, even in highly specialized areas (Where, I wonder, did the author find such clients?). You just need to push it a little: “If the buyer feels that you can help him, he will become more open with you - he will trust you with his problems and concerns” . If the author had opened at least one serious book on marketing, he would have learned to his surprise that in the overwhelming majority of cases a person has a very rough idea of ​​his problems and needs. The art of a seller of serious and expensive products lies precisely in making the client’s hidden, unconscious needs explicit. And offer satisfaction to all his needs.

Sale“This is only a response to the buyer’s expectations” . Very nice. I wonder what expectations a buyer has when purchasing hundreds of products that he has never purchased before. Selling from the author's point of view is exclusively personal selling. His purchase scenario does not include websites, commercial offers, or advertising and marketing materials. The purchase decision is made by one person - the author has not heard anything about a complex purchase (where the decision is made by a group of people).

Product– The “answer” is the product, but very little attention is paid to it in the book. There is a tiny “What am I selling?” section that only reveals that the author has not opened a single book on marketing. Since the author does not know that the seller needs to sell not products, but solutions to the client’s problems, his instructions to sellers sound like this: “You must know everything about your product from A to Z. You must know all the details and details, understand how it is designed, how it functions and what its purpose is.” . I have no words, product knowledge– a very useful thing for the seller, but far from the most important.

The author casually drops: “The next step in analyzing the situation is to take a closer look at the goods or services that you currently offer. Analyze the state of affairs. Use the Pareto rule". How simple it all turns out to be! What does “take a closer look” mean? And what does the Pareto rule have to do with his meeting with the client?

The author states: “The best salespeople, unlike mediocre ones, are able to adapt their product to the needs of the client”. That's right, but this is only possible when all of his needs are clear to the client and the seller is able to tell him the relevant selling points of his products and the company related to satisfying open (often difficult) needs and requirements. But for the author all this is empty: “The seller had a carefully thought-out standard presentation of the product, full of optimism (!?) and designed to break the buyer’s resistance (!?) and lead to the signing of the contract for any price (!?)» .

Purchase decision– Here the author makes a stunning discovery: “The purchasing decision often occurs in the first 30 seconds (!?) . A person is very sensitive to the influence of external factors, therefore clients are very susceptible to impulses emanating from the seller, reacting to his appearance and behavior.". And here is the epoch-making discovery of our guru: « As you know, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere is responsible for making purchasing decisions (!?)" . That's it! If you are purchasing, say, an IT system worth a million, then train your right hemisphere first, please.

The impression made by the seller on the client– From the author’s right-hemisphere idea of ​​shopping, his bias towards impressions logically follows: “During the first meeting, you make an impression on the buyer that can no longer be changed in the future. From this moment on, the client collects only that information that confirms the first impression, and rejects everything that contradicts this first impression.”. The client has no other concerns and cannot have any.

Now write this on your nose: “The impression we make on the client is 95% depends on our costume (!?) ... Many experiments using photographs of bearded men have shown that bearded men are considered eccentrics, artists, eccentrics, and more creative than ordinary people. The client is afraid to deal with a person whom he considers eccentric and who, perhaps, represents an equally eccentric company.”. – Our dear “successful” guru, are you serious?

So much talk about salesman impressions suggests that the guru learned sales from Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

The author is constantly included in global generalizations. It becomes sad at the thought that many naive people, especially in Russia, will believe in the author’s concocted maxims. For example, in these: “Imagine working for a company that ranks fourth in the industry.(Who determines positions and by what criteria? Who knows them? Where is the directory of these positions by industry?). This means that there are three best companies that offer similar products or services, but of better quality (!?). But there are other companies that are considered worse than yours. The position of the company determines primarily the amount of income and remuneration of employees (!?). What position does your company take?

In the second half of the book, the author finally decides to take sales more seriously. There is also a lot that is controversial and frankly incorrect. There is a complete lack of understanding of the modern marketing philosophy of selling: to sell not goods and services, but solutions to problems and satisfaction of customer needs.

However, there are also right moments. Here are some of them:

“The buyer wants to make a smart decision himself. Therefore, during the sales process, try to ensure that he under no circumstances gets the impression that someone is telling him or manipulating him, because he is forcing him to do something that is not in his interests.”. Although this truth has been known since the time of King Solomon, the authors of many of our books on sales talk about manipulating the client and even violence against him.

The author’s views on objections are absolutely correct: “It is best to prevent objections before they are raised. This is called prevention. If you know from experience that in almost every sales conversation a certain objection comes up, you can think about it in advance and thus seize the initiative from the client. Thanks to this, he will no longer think about this issue and it will not interfere with his ability to concentrate on the presentation.”.

I liked several specific formulations, phrases and words when dealing with objections. We can partly agree with the author on the following:

“I have seen many sellers whose business cards had marks from a ballpoint pen, some kind of writing, stains, bent corners. I’ve seen sellers present price tags with corrections made in pencil, stained with coffee, wrinkled or unevenly folded. But the worst thing I saw were those salespeople who showed irrelevant materials and could not answer customer questions because necessary documents they forgot it in the office. Such salespeople lose trust and disappoint the client, who begins to regret agreeing to the meeting.”

Alas. Unfortunately, such moments are rather the exception. And it’s hard to call them defining.

In the book summary I read: "This book represents a synthesis the best ideas, techniques and strategies that I have learned during my thirty years of experience as a salesperson.".

Remote 3 month



ÓÄÊ 339.1+658.8 ÁÁÊ 66.9 (7ÑØÀ)30-5 Ò66

Translated from English by D. V. Serebryakov according to the publication: ADVANCED SELLING STRATEGIES (The Proven System of

Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere) by Brian Tracy.- N. Y.: “Firesides”., 1996.

Tracy B.

T66 Effective selling methods according to Brian Tracy / Trans. from English D. V. Serebryakov; - Kyiv: company “Hummingbird”, 2001.- 192 p.

ISBN 966-7801-17-2.

One of the practical applications of the famous “Science of Brian Tracy”: by collecting, studying and summarizing information about the ideas, methods and specific tricks thanks to which smart people reach the heights of success in trading with any partner, the author opens up to a wide range of interested readers the opportunity to master the most advanced product marketing strategies.


I believe that the best salespeople are all similar in many ways. Sometimes at seminars for salespeople I conduct an experiment in which the essence of which is that I describe the best employees of their company. I present their character, behavior and appearance in more or less detail. And every time they ask me how I know their best employees so well, whom I described so accurately.

To this I answer that all these people are cut from the same cloth. They have almost the same temperament. They have the same distinctive features. They evoke the same feelings and reactions in their employees and customers. Everyone operates relatively similarly and achieves similar results.

I am an extremely practical person. I treat myself and my clients as “guinea pigs” when I want to use an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of some new idea or concept. And yet I constantly ask myself: “Is this right for me?”, because I never believe in anything for nothing. I also expect from you that without evidence you will not believe me.

As you read my tips for achieving the best trading results, listen to your inner voice. Compare the ideas, methodological and technical developments presented in this book with personal experience. Pay attention to how you feel. If a thought seems reasonable to you, apply it to your daily work as a salesperson and be patient. Start implementing it. Success can only come when you get up from your chair and start doing something new. But do this only when your inner voice tells you that it will be right in your situation.

This book is designed so that you read the chapters in the order in which they are presented each time. Make notes in the margins, underlining important paragraphs that you will want to return to later. After reading the entire book, consider it a kind of reference book, a working tool, and look in it for what could be useful to you in a certain specific situation.

The book you are holding in your hands will show you how you can improve your trading methods and make them highly effective. It introduces the most important basic know-how and helps you discover all your abilities. By putting into practice what you learn in these pages, you can become one of the best salespeople in your country.

This book represents a synthesis best ideas, techniques and strategies that I have learned during my thirty years of experience as a salesperson. I must thank all the sellers with whom I worked in those years and from whom I learned a lot

learned. I am especially grateful to my friends and partners with whom I have worked for many years on the material presented here and developed the training programs.

I express my gratitude and deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to the publication of this book.



A personal strategic work plan is the most important condition for achieving your goal. With this method, you can reach your destination from anywhere you are. Personal strategic planning radically impacts your development in all areas of your life.

As a salesperson, you need to know that the most important thing in this profession is to realize that you act independently, that is, you are the president of your own trading company. This has to do with taking full responsibility for yourself and everything that happens to you. You are the creator of your own destiny. There is nowhere else to wait for help, and you can no longer blame others for the problems and difficulties that arise.

Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, often said, “If you don’t take your chance with your own hands, someone else will.” By devoting a lot of time to thinking through and planning everything you are going to do, you will significantly increase the likelihood of achieving the profits and earnings that you have planned for yourself. It seems that planning is the most important skill you can develop to ensure you are confident in your ability to achieve maximum success.

In 1953, a survey was conducted among Yale University graduates, where respondents were asked to answer the following questions: “Do you have your own, clearly expressed and formulated goals that you want to achieve in life?” and “Do you have a detailed plan for how you want to achieve them after graduation?” The results of this questionnaire were amazing. Only 3% of graduates had clearly expressed and formulated life goals along with an action plan that they planned to realize upon graduation. True, 13% of respondents strived for certain goals, but never clearly formulated them. The remaining 84% had no other goals other than finishing their studies and enjoying the upcoming holidays. Twenty years later, that is, in 1973, the participants in the questionnaire were asked about their property status today.

After analyzing the results of both questionnaires, it turned out that all those 3% of respondents, i.e. Those who twenty years ago had clearly defined life goals and a clear plan of action before graduating from university owned more wealth than the remaining 97% combined. The only one common feature of those graduates who achieved success was that they

set specific goals for themselves.

Some of them graduated with poor grades, some with good ones. They worked in different fields. Some moved, others stayed in the same place. However, a common characteristic of successful Yale graduates was a determined determination

ê achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

 Over the years, I've learned from talking to top salespeople that they all have one thing in common: they all have clear, written goals that they strive to achieve. They

took the time and made a plan for their future life. Each of them has seen first-hand the importance of a clear strategic plan. Over time, each of them achieved the goal that they set for themselves in trading matters. The basis for the success of each of these remarkable salespeople was the result of reflection on their personal lives and professional futures, as well as a carefully crafted and detailed plan to work towards achieving their goal.

I really like one definition of happiness: “Happiness is the tireless implementation of chosen ideals or goals.” If we are constantly working on something important, the reward will be a constant feeling of success in our affairs. Then a person feels like the master of his life. He is a winner, and therefore knows that he will be able to overcome and eliminate all obstacles that would lead an ordinary person to despair. When work is underway to achieve an important goal, such an internal force arises that crosses out all previous plans.


What values ​​do you profess? What is your position in life? What are the rules of your life? What is the basis of your beliefs? What qualities do you like in others that you would like to develop in yourself? What do you not accept? When are you capable of self-sacrifice? What would you suffer or sacrifice your life for?

Few people ask themselves these extremely important questions, but this small handful are the most important and influential people in our society.

When I set out to define my own value scale several years ago, I made a list of 163 qualities that I aspire to have. It seems that I have written down all possible qualitative definitions of a positive property that would relate to a person’s personality and character. They all seemed important to me, and I wanted to implement them all in some way in my life.

But then I came face to face with reality. I have noticed that it is already difficult for me to develop some new qualities or try to change behavior in at least one way. I wrote a new list. I compromised and left only a few valuables in it. When I finally established the five basic ones, I could already begin to work on myself and, as a result, made some progress in the development of my character,

Your hierarchy of values

You must do the same. Write down the five qualities that are most important to you in life. Distribute them according to hierarchy. What comes first? What's on the second, third, etc.?

How can you find out what your values ​​are today? It's very simple. Observe your behavior, especially your actions in critical situations. The values ​​that truly matter to you show up in action. It is not what you say, or wish for yourself, or what you are going to do, but only what you do that matters. If you want to know what your value world is, look at what you've been doing lately and notice what decisions you've made every time you've had a choice. The decisions you make and the actions that follow will show you and those around you what is of greatest value to you, what is most important to you.

Here's an example. Imagine two people for whom family, health, and professional success are equally important. The only difference is that each of them has a different hierarchy of these values. One of them, say Bill, states:

“For me, my family is most important, my health comes second, and my professional career comes in third.”

Although Tom recognizes the same values, he talks about them like this: “Professional success, my career is most important to me, then

My family and health.”

Do you think there is a difference in the personality and character of these two people? Certainly! Is this a big or small difference? Can you tell these people apart during a conversation? Which of these two men do you like more? Which one would you trust more? Which of them would you like to get to know better and become friends with?

The answer to these questions is simple. The person whose hierarchy of values ​​is similar to yours is more suitable for you.

Your value scale determines your character. If you have chosen values ​​such as honesty, love, courage,

sincerity, perfection or responsibility, and coordinate your actions with them, then soon you will actually become a better person. It is your values ​​that nurture the qualities of your personality.

What does character really mean? Character is the ability to live in accordance with positive values. A person with a flawed character places high value on short-term gains or recognizes no value at all. Your attitude towards this, your view of these things is the real measure of your character and personality, which determines your position in life.

You can establish what place a specific value occupies in your life by observing how much time you devote to this item, how much money or emotions you spend on it. Many people speak out in favor of lofty, noble values ​​until they find themselves pushed to the wall and forced to make a specific choice. If your choice is for the highest values, then it can cost you dearly, and even very much. When you choose lower values, you pay less for it, at least in a material sense, not necessarily in feelings, but whenever you make a choice, it shows you what is really more important to you.

Let's say your value is maximum efficiency.

In this case, your definition would sound like this: “Maximum efficiency means that in everything I do, I set myself a high bar. In every situation I try to do the best I can. I try to further improve my work, my personal life, my relationships

ñ those around you. I am aware that maximum results require a lifetime of effort and daily work to become better and better.”

Ñ With this definition, you have a clear principle by which you organize your actions. You set a certain standard

ñ with which you can change your behavior. You created

certain frameworks within which you make choices. You have a standard by which you can evaluate your actions and which you can try on yourself from time to time. You have clearly defined the goal you are striving for and around which you are organizing your work.

The same applies to other values. If your main value is family, then define your choice as follows: “The needs of my family are more important to me than anything else. When I have to choose between the happiness, health and well-being of one of my family members or some other value, I always put my family first.” With this point of view, it will be easy for you to make choices. Your family comes first.

While her needs are still not fully met, you do not allow energy to be spent on other, less important things. Having a clear picture of your own value hierarchy is important because it gives you the opportunity to take control of your character development. When your values ​​and goals, your inner and outer life are in perfect harmony with each other, then you will achieve great health. You will learn to respect yourself. Your feeling will increase self-esteem. The moment you achieve absolute harmony between your values ​​and goals (imagine a hand in a tight-fitting glove), you will feel strong, happy, healthy and completely harmonious. A lion will awaken inside you, which will conquer any fear of having to choose, and therefore you will always accept right decisions. When you live by the values ​​that matter most to you, your entire life will become more beautiful.

All successful companies have an ideal to which they strive. Every good salesman has this ideal. As the president of your own company, responsible for your life and career, you need two distinct ideals that complement and reinforce each other. The written formulation of your life ideal is a logical consequence of establishing a hierarchy of values. It will become your personal credo, determine your future and serve as a guide for all your actions. Your personal ideal is a description of the person you are and what you aspire to be. In describing your professional ideal, you define how you want to look

in the eyes of your customers.

An example of a description of a personal ideal.“Apparently, I am a wonderful person. To all the people important to me, to my family and others, I am warm-hearted, friendly, considerate, sincere and unforgiving. I'm beautiful devoted friend, known for his generosity, responsiveness, understanding and patience. I am a positive thinker, enthusiastic, happy and cheerful. All the people I know love, respect and admire me.”

An example of a description of a professional ideal.“Apparently, I am an excellent professional salesman. I know everything about the products I offer, I know the scope of my responsibilities, and I am very familiar with the affairs of my clients.

I am always well prepared for a conversation with a client. I have a good character, I am sociable, disciplined, positive. I am a warm, friendly person who cares about my customers, and dealing with me is a pleasure.

This way, you determine how you want to appear to your customers, how you want to be talked about and presented to third parties. As the president of your own trading company, you have at your disposal a formulated professional ideal, which is a set of all the necessary positive qualities. This will help you act correctly in all your professional endeavors.

Formulate your ideal in the present tense, as if you were already the person you are writing about. Always use positive language rather than negative language. Describe the qualities that you would like to develop, not the shortcomings that you want to overcome. Always speak on your own behalf. Start with the words: “I”, “I can”, “I will achieve”.

The subconscious mind will perceive your ideal as a guide to action only when the description is given in the present tense, as positive and personal instructions to action. The phrase “I am a great salesperson” is a perfect example of a relevant premise. After each conversation with a client, read the description of the ideal and ask yourself to what extent your behavior matches the qualities of the person you dream of becoming. As a top salesperson, always compare your sales results with your best results and strive to continually improve them. Try to be better and better. Every day, in every possible way, consciously work to get closer to your chosen ideal.

For example, your goal would be, within a year, or perhaps sooner, to develop the ability to negotiate with clients in a way that meets the ideal you describe. Clients, of course, do not know what your ideal is, but when expressing their opinion of you, they will use the same expressions. This will happen because you will treat clients the way you described in the ideal example.

When you have already defined and put down on paper your ideal, you must constantly re-read what you have written, practice, adjust and regularly improve the specified qualities. You can add something new or clarify already formulated features.

As a result, they will become your life credo, your philosophy and code of conduct in all contacts with people. You can evaluate your behavior daily and compare it with



2 UDC BBK 66.9 (7USA)30-5 T66 Translated from English by D. V. Serebryakov according to the publication: ADVANCED SELLING STRATEGIES (The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere) by Brian Tracy. N.Y.: Firesides., Protected by copyright. Violation of restrictions. imposed by him on the reproduction of this entire book or any part thereof, including its design, shall be prosecuted. Tracy B. T66 Effective selling methods according to Brian Tracy / Trans. from English D. V. Serebryakov; Kyiv: Kolibri company, p. ISBN One of the practical applications of the famous Science of Brian Tracy: by collecting, studying and summarizing information about the ideas, methods and specific techniques thanks to which smart people achieve the heights of success in trading with any partner, the author opens up the opportunity for a wide range of interested readers to master the most advanced product sales strategies . 2

3 Introduction I believe that the best salespeople are all similar in many ways. Sometimes at seminars for salespeople I conduct an experiment in which the essence of which is that I describe the best employees of their company. I present their character, behavior and appearance in more or less detail. And every time they ask me how I know their best employees so well, whom I described so accurately. To this I answer that all these people are cut from the same cloth. They have almost the same temperament. They have the same distinctive features. They evoke the same feelings and reactions in their employees and customers. Everyone operates relatively similarly and achieves similar results. I am an extremely practical person. I treat myself and my clients like guinea pigs when I want to use an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of some new idea or concept. And yet I constantly ask myself: Is this right for me?, because I never believe in anything for nothing. I also expect from you that without evidence you will not believe me. As you read my tips for achieving the best trading results, listen to your inner voice. Compare the ideas, methodological and technical developments presented in this book with your personal experience. Pay attention to how you feel. If a thought seems reasonable to you, apply it to your daily work as a salesperson and be patient. Start implementing it. Success can only come when you get up from your chair and start doing something new. But do this only when your inner voice tells you that it will be right in your situation. This book is designed so that you read the chapters in the order in which they are presented each time. Make notes in the margins, underlining important paragraphs that you will want to return to later. After reading the entire book, consider it a kind of reference book, a working tool, and look in it for what could be useful to you in a certain specific situation. The book you are holding in your hands will show you how you can improve your trading methods and make them highly effective. It introduces the most important basic know-how and helps you discover all your abilities. By putting into practice what you learn in these pages, you can become one of the best salespeople in your country. This book is a synthesis of the best ideas, techniques, and strategies I have learned during my thirty years of sales experience. I must thank all the sellers with whom I worked in those years and from whom I learned a lot 3

4 learned. I am especially grateful to my friends and partners with whom I have worked for many years on the material presented here and developed the training programs. I express my gratitude and deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to the publication of this book. BRIAN TRACY 4

5 1 STRATEGIC WORK PLAN A personal strategic work plan is the most important condition for achieving your goal. With this method, you can reach your destination from anywhere you are. Personal strategic planning radically impacts your development in all areas of your life. As a salesperson, you need to know that the most important thing in this profession is to realize that you operate independently, that is, you are the president of your own sales company. This has to do with taking full responsibility for yourself and everything that happens to you. You are the creator of your own destiny. There is nowhere else to wait for help, and you can no longer blame others for the problems and difficulties that arise. Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, often said: If you don't take your chance with your own hands, someone else will. By devoting a lot of time to thinking through and planning everything you are going to do, you will significantly increase the likelihood of achieving the profits and earnings that you have planned for yourself. Planning seems to be the most important skill you can develop to ensure you are confident in your ability to achieve maximum success. In 1953, a survey was conducted among Yale University graduates, where respondents were asked to answer the following questions: Do you have your own, clearly expressed and formulated goals that you want to achieve in life? and Do you have a detailed plan for how you want to achieve them after graduation? The results of this questionnaire were amazing. Only 3% of graduates had clearly expressed and formulated life goals along with an action plan that they planned to realize upon graduation. True, 13% of respondents strived for certain goals, but never clearly formulated them. The remaining 84% had no other goals other than finishing their studies and enjoying the upcoming holidays. Twenty years later, that is, in 1973, the participants in the questionnaire were asked about their property status today. After analyzing the results of both questionnaires, it turned out that all those 3% of respondents, i.e. Those who twenty years ago had clearly defined life goals and a clear plan of action before graduating from university owned more wealth than the remaining 97% combined. The only thing those graduates who achieved success had in common was that they 5

6 set specific goals for themselves. Some of them graduated with poor grades, some with good ones. They worked in different fields. Some moved, some stayed in the same place. However, a common characteristic of successful Yale graduates was a determined determination to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Over the years, I've learned from talking to top salespeople that they all have one thing in common: they all have clear, written goals that they strive to achieve. They took the time and made a plan for their future life. Each of them has seen first-hand the importance of a clear strategic plan. Over time, each of them achieved the goal that they set for themselves in trading matters. The basis of the success of each of these remarkable salesmen was the result of reflection on their personal life and professional future, as well as a carefully researched and detailed plan of work until the achievement of the set goal. I really like one definition of happiness: Happiness is the relentless implementation of chosen ideals or goals. If we are constantly working on something important, the reward will be a constant feeling of success in our affairs. Then a person feels like the master of his life. He is a winner, and therefore knows that he will be able to overcome and eliminate all obstacles that would lead an ordinary person to despair. When work is underway to achieve an important goal, such an internal force arises that crosses out all previous plans. WORLD OF VALUES What values ​​do you profess? What is your position in life? What are the rules of your life? What is the basis of your beliefs? What qualities do you like in others that you would like to develop in yourself? What do you not accept? When are you capable of self-sacrifice? What would you suffer or sacrifice your life for? Few people ask themselves these extremely important questions, but these small handful are the most important and influential people in our society. When I set out to define my own value scale several years ago, I made a list of 163 qualities that I aspire to have. It seems that I have written down all possible qualitative definitions of a positive property that would relate to a person’s personality and character. They all seemed important to me, and I wanted to implement them all in some way in my life. 6

7 But then I came face to face with reality. I have noticed that it is already difficult for me to develop some new qualities or try to change behavior in at least one way. I wrote a new list. I compromised and left only a few valuables in it. When I finally established the five main ones, I could already begin to work on myself and, as a result, made some progress in the development of my character. Your hierarchy of values ​​You should do the same. Write down the five qualities that are most important to you in life. Distribute them according to hierarchy. What comes first? What's on the second, third, etc.? How can you find out what your values ​​are today? It's very simple. Observe your behavior, especially your actions in critical situations. The values ​​that truly matter to you show up in action. It is not what you say, or wish for yourself, or what you are going to do, but only what you do that matters. If you want to know what your value world is, look at what you've been doing lately and notice what decisions you've made every time you've had a choice. The decisions you make and the actions that follow will show you and those around you what is of greatest value to you, what is most important to you. Here's an example. Imagine two people for whom family, health, and professional success are equally important. The only difference is that each of them has a different hierarchy of these values. One of them, say Bill, states: For me, my family is most important, my health comes second, and my professional career comes in third. Although Tom recognizes the same values, he talks about them like this: Professional success, my career is most important to me, then my family and health. Do you think there is a difference in the personality and character of these two people? Certainly! Is this a big or small difference? Can you tell these people apart during a conversation? Which of these two men do you like more? Which one would you trust more? Which of them would you like to get to know better and become friends with? The answer to these questions is simple. The person whose hierarchy of values ​​is similar to yours is more suitable for you. Your value scale determines your character. If you have chosen values ​​such as honesty, love, courage, 7

8 sincerity, perfection or responsibility, and coordinate your actions with them, then soon you will actually become a better person. It is your values ​​that nurture the qualities of your personality. What does character really mean? Character is the ability to live in accordance with positive values. A person with a flawed character places high value on short-term gains or recognizes no value at all. Your attitude towards this, your view of these things is the real measure of your character and personality, which determines your position in life. You can establish what place a specific value occupies in your life by observing how much time you devote to this item, how much money or emotions you spend on it. Many people speak out in favor of lofty, noble values ​​until they find themselves pushed to the wall and forced to make a specific choice. If your choice is for the highest values, then it can cost you dearly, and even very much. When you choose lower values, you pay less for it, at least in a material sense, not necessarily in feelings, but whenever you make a choice, it shows you what is really more important to you. Let's say your value is maximum efficiency. In this case, your definition would be: Peak performance means that I set the bar high for myself in everything I do. In every situation I try to do the best I can. I try to continue to improve my work, my personal life, my relationships with others. I am aware that maximum results require a lifetime of effort and daily work to become better and better. With this definition, you have a clear principle by which you organize your actions. You have set a certain standard by which you can change your behavior. You have created certain frameworks within which you make choices. You have a standard by which you can evaluate your actions and which you can try on yourself from time to time. You have clearly defined the goal you are striving for and around which you are organizing your work. The same applies to other values. If your main value is family, then define your choice as follows: The needs of my family are more important to me than anything else. When I have to choose between the happiness, health and well-being of one of my family members or some other value, I always put my family first. With this point of view, it will be easy for you to make choices. Your family comes first. 8

9 While her needs are still not fully met, you do not allow her energy to be spent on other, less important things. Having a clear picture of your own value hierarchy is important because it gives you the opportunity to take control of your character development. When your values ​​and goals, your inner and outer life are in perfect harmony with each other, then you will achieve great health. You will learn to respect yourself. Your self-esteem will increase. The moment you achieve absolute harmony between your values ​​and goals (imagine a hand in a tight-fitting glove), you will feel strong, happy, healthy and completely harmonious. A lion will awaken within you that will conquer any fear of having to choose, and therefore you will always make the right decisions. When you live by the values ​​that matter most to you, your entire life will become more beautiful. THE IDEAL All successful companies have an ideal to which they strive. Every good salesman has this ideal. As the president of your own company, responsible for your life and career, you need two distinct ideals that complement and reinforce each other. The written formulation of your life ideal is a logical consequence of establishing a hierarchy of values. It will become your personal credo, determine your future and serve as a guide for all your actions. Your personal ideal is a description of the person you are and what you aspire to be. In your professional ethos statement, you define how you want to appear to your clients. An example of a description of a personal ideal. Apparently, I am a wonderful person. To all the people important to me, to my family and others, I am warm-hearted, friendly, considerate, sincere and unforgiving. I am a wonderful, loyal friend, known for my generosity, responsiveness, understanding and patience. I am a positive thinker, enthusiastic, happy and cheerful. All the people I know love, respect and admire me. An example of a description of a professional ideal. Apparently, I am an excellent professional salesman. I know everything about the products I offer, I know the scope of my responsibilities, and I am very familiar with the affairs of my clients. 9

10 I am always well prepared for a conversation with a client. I have a good character, I am sociable, disciplined, positive. I am a warm, friendly person who cares about my customers, and dealing with me is a pleasure. This way, you determine how you want to appear to your customers, how you want to be talked about and presented to third parties. As the president of your own trading company, you have at your disposal a formulated professional ideal, which is a set of all the necessary positive qualities. This will help you act correctly in all your professional endeavors. Formulate your ideal in the present tense, as if you were already the person you are writing about. Always use positive language rather than negative language. Describe the qualities that you would like to develop, not the shortcomings that you want to overcome. Always speak on your own behalf. Start with the words: I, I can, I will achieve. The subconscious mind will perceive your ideal as a guide to action only when the description is given in the present tense, as positive and personal instructions to action. The phrase I'm a great salesman is a perfect example of a relevant premise. After each conversation with a client, read the description of the ideal and ask yourself to what extent your behavior matches the qualities of the person you dream of becoming. As a top salesperson, always compare your sales results with your best results and strive to continually improve them. Try to be better and better. Every day, in every possible way, consciously work to get closer to your chosen ideal. For example, your goal would be, within a year, or perhaps sooner, to develop the ability to negotiate with clients in a way that meets the ideal you describe. Clients, of course, do not know what your ideal is, but when expressing their opinion of you, they will use the same expressions. This will happen because you will treat clients the way you described in the ideal example. When you have already defined and put down on paper your ideal, you must constantly re-read what you have written, practice, adjust and regularly improve the specified qualities. You can add something new or clarify already formulated features. As a result, they will become your life credo, your philosophy and code of conduct in all contacts with people. You can evaluate your behavior daily and compare it with 10

11 ideal. Over time you will discover something interesting. When you compare the description of the ideal with your actions, you will see that the corresponding words come almost subconsciously, and the chosen formulations describe your behavior in such a way that you are gradually approaching your ideal. Over time, those around you will also notice changes in you. Then you will realize that you have succeeded in changing your character and your personality according to your ideal. In this way, you will become the architect of your own happiness. The following words are very important to your personal views, values ​​and ideals: be good to yourself! You have worked your entire life to become who you are today. If you are the same as all ordinary people, then you are not perfect. But there is still a lot of time left for improvement. You have many opportunities to change your character and personality if you only want to become the perfect person you dream of being. However, personality change will not happen on its own and will not happen overnight. Be patient! The reason why people develop and become better while performing their tasks is the confidence that they are striving to achieve their goals and fulfill their desires. They don't expect change immediately. Even when success does not come immediately, they do not despair, but continue to work. And you should do the same. If you have a clear idea of ​​the person you want to become, if you know what kind of life and what kind of career you can expect, take the first step! Analyze your behavior daily and compare it with the ideal. Think about different possibilities for improving the qualities with which you want to decorate your personality. Always remember that only your behavior towards others gives a true picture of your personality. If you maintain proper patience, at some point you will become like your chosen ideal, SITUATION ANALYSIS To achieve your goals, first of all you must do the following. First, you must determine exactly where you are at the moment and what you are doing. Secondly, you must look into your past and determine how you got to the point where you are now. And finally, decide how to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Here's an example. Imagine walking from point A to point B and, say, you need to walk 40 kilometers. Somewhere in the middle of the road, that is, at the 20th kilometer, you are far from each of the 11

12 of these points. You look back at point A, but you can’t see it anymore. Point B is not yet visible from this place. In the initial phase of establishing a personal strategic action plan, you are in a similar situation. Let's say that point A is the past, and point B is the future. The place in between where you are now is the present. Let's say you can grow without restrictions (and even reach a hundred meters in height) and you can simultaneously see both point A, or the starting point, yourself now, and point B, that is, your possible future. And suddenly you see that you and your career are connected into a single whole with your past, present and future. Likewise, analyzing the situation will allow you to simultaneously see the past, present and future, your life and your career. Thanks to him you will see how they are interconnected. When you have a clear understanding of where you came from, where you are now, and where you are going, you can be much more in control of your plans and goals. First stage of analysis: your income Start with your actual earnings and income. How much do you sell and earn now? What were sales volumes and earnings two, three years ago? What prospects do you see in your sales career? Are earnings and income increasing every year? Or maybe they remain at the same level or are constantly in decline? Tip of the Iceberg Technique One of the most important thinking abilities of an exceptional person is to use the tip of the iceberg technique when analyzing a situation. This technique is that whenever something happens in your business or personal life, you can consider it some kind of pattern until the situation changes. You should, as far as possible, proceed from the premise that this event, an upswing or downturn in business, or some change in your personal life, is just the tip of the iceberg. It points to some larger damage, some trend, something that at the moment cannot yet be noticed or explained. You may notice that increased income is only an isolated phenomenon, not related to the real state of affairs. You may also decide that this is a manifestation of some general trend that may be significant for your future. Real professional salespeople are very sensitive to the possibility of such symptoms occurring. They regularly pay attention to symptoms to analyze 12

13 them in two directions as confirmation or refutation that some trend will emerge that can affect income growth. Over the course of your career, your annual sales profits should increase. There should also be an increase in income. You may set a goal to achieve annual revenue growth of 10 to 20%. A personal strategic work plan will help you with this. What has been the revenue growth trend over the last three to five years? If you are not satisfied with the answer, develop a new plan and change course of action. Think about the fact that if you always go in the same direction, you will definitely achieve your goal. Second stage of analysis: the range of goods offered The next step in analyzing the situation is to take a closer look at the goods or services that you are currently offering. Analyze the state of affairs. Use the Pareto rule. Regarding trading, this rule is that 80% of your income comes from 20% of the items sold. Then it will probably turn out that 80% of your time devoted to professional activities gives you only 20% of your income. What products or services do you sell, how do they relate to you, and how do they relate to the time you spend selling? What trends are emerging in this business? What have you managed to sell lately? Should the achieved level remain in place? How much, then, will you sell next year and in subsequent years? Third stage of analysis: your customers Analyze your customers as well. Who are your main clients at the moment? Who do you consider unimportant? What do they have in common? What companies do they work for and what positions do they hold? But first of all: how have your customers changed over the past Last year or two? Do you get new clients every year, or do you sign most of your contracts with existing clients? To whom do you owe the largest income? If this situation continues, who will you be selling your products or services to next month and next year? Is the current state of affairs a positive or negative development for your career? One of the most important aspects of trading will be for you to discover that you work best with certain 13

14 people. There may be many potential buyers in the market, but not all will be good clients for you. Because of your individual character and personality, you feel best with a certain type of person, and the more they match you, the more they will buy from you. Wise salespeople know the strengths and weaknesses of their clients well and organize their actions so that they can devote more time to the people who are likely to make the quickest decision to buy. What general characteristic can be used to characterize the clients with whom you earn the most income? The fourth stage of analysis: your own financial situation The next step is to analyze your own financial situation. Imagine that you have to submit a loan application, make a list of assets and liabilities and calculate the net value of all available assets. Make an inventory of all material possessions and calculate their value. Also make a list of debts, obligations and determine their total amount. The balance will show what financial situation you are currently in. About 70% of all sellers do not have free money, spending their monthly earnings, and sometimes even more. Also, the average young family, according to survey results, spends about 110% of their real income, and covers the difference with loans or money borrowed from their parents. In business, among other things, pay special attention to your net income. After paying taxes and paying off all debts, your real income remains. This is the measure of the income you received during your professional career, a measure of your productivity and effectiveness as the president of your own company. Divide your total income to date by the number of years you have worked. This way you will get your average annual income. For example, if after ten years of work you have twenty thousand dollars net, then every year you earned two thousand dollars. At 250 days of work per year, after calculating expenses, you averaged eight dollars per day. It's profitable? Maybe you could manage your business better? Analysis of the financial situation is the path to financial independence. 14

15 Fifth stage of analysis: your career The analysis of the situation also includes an assessment of your career at the current moment. Take time and remember your first job, then your next and the rest. Make a list of all the positions you have ever held. Then ask yourself: Where did I have the best results? What kind of work did I do? How much did I receive? What education and what professional skills did I have at the beginning of my career? career? What common feature can unite all the positions I have held? What trends do you see over the course of your career? Were your next positions more challenging, more demanding, required more knowledge and experience, or did you earn more? Have you been doing the same thing with the same result for the past few years? If the status quo continues, what will you most likely be doing in a year? What awaits you in two years, in five? Will you improve in your activities and earn more? If not, what can you do to move forward and accelerate your career? What kind of qualifications did you receive in the companies you worked for, and what was really useful to you? What have you learned over the years that has had the greatest impact and contributed to your income growth? What opportunities do you have today for further professional development where you work? How was your self-education, what books did you read that especially influenced your work as a salesperson? What instructional tapes did you regularly listen to during road trips? What seminars on trading techniques have you taken part in? What natural talents and abilities do you have? What knowledge and skills influenced your success in trading? Is there something that you learned easily and put into practice without difficulty that others struggle with? What knowledge and skills will be necessary in the future to grow your revenues and profits? The truth is this: your life will be better when you are better. You may not achieve anything at all if you don't improve. If you want to have better clients, you must first be a better salesperson. If you want to have the best employees, you have to be the best boss. If you want to have a better family, you must be a better spouse and parent. If you want to have better relationship with those around you, you must become a better person. Your world will only become a better place when you become a better person. What you need to improve in your personal and professional life, 15

16 if you want it to be more successful? To think about a plan of action in your personal life, as well as in your work as a salesperson, treat yourself as the source of materials that you must analyze. See yourself as a collection of talents and abilities that you could use to achieve a variety of goals. And you have these opportunities. The results of many studies confirm that one of the qualities of natural leaders is the ability to organize actions with the greatest benefit for themselves. These people constantly think about how best to use their time to complete a task and achieve the expected results. How do you use your spiritual, emotional and mental qualities to achieve better results? Sixth stage of analysis: your personal situation Your sales job and professional activities are directly related to your personal life, but do you pay equal attention to them? The best salespeople are able to balance their work and personal lives in such a way that the boundaries between them disappear. We can say that the profession and personal life of a salesperson complement each other. When analyzing your personal situation, you must take an impartial look at your family and contacts with people. Are you married or single? Divorced or perhaps a widower? Are you happy? Think about whether you want to stay in your existing union for the rest of your life? What do you do every day so that in a month or a year you will be in a different position? You are responsible for your own situation. It is you who control your life. Regardless of who you are and what you do, how and with whom you maintain relationships, you made your own choice. After all, life is not a rehearsal. We ourselves are actors in this performance. You will not make a sales career until you solve the problems in your personal life. Do you have any children? How old are they? How are they doing with their studies and personal affairs? If your children are still small, what plans do you have for their future? Do you want them to get a university education? Have you taken care of the financial support for your children's studies? If not, when will you start saving money for their education? For many, children are the strongest motivation for activity. Truly superhuman efforts are often made to provide children with a better future. What material and spiritual needs of your children are you able to satisfy? How do you see the condition of your house or apartment? 16

17 Everyone, of course, dreams of an ideal home. And you? Are you happy with your current home or are you hoping for something better? If so, how are you going to implement it? Where do you think you will live in two, three, five years? Know that water does not flow under a lying stone. If you want to improve the present situation, you must do something. Make a list of all your possessions. What car do you have? Does it meet your requirements? Would you like to have a bigger, better, faster car? Where are you going to get the funds for it? How are things going with your wardrobe, jewelry, furniture, appliances and other personal property? You can try the following experiment. Make a list of everything you would like to have and enjoy in life. Don't worry about funds for all this. The most important part of the experience is the endless creative attempt to create more living space. If you are married, sit down with your partner and write down everything you need and everything you would like to have. The longer and more complete the list, the more you will focus on work and generate more energy in yourself to achieve greater earnings and income that would make these dreams come true. Imagine that the answers to all the questions asked are elements of a mosaic that you poured out of a box onto the table. Take a look at the individual elements and begin to piece together the big picture. Select in parts. In the same way, you can put together a wonderful life from pieces of the past, present and planned future and use this to prepare one big plan for the future. If you work out a personal strategic action plan, then thanks to it you can quickly achieve your goals. DETERMINING FACTORS OF SUCCESS All events are subject to the laws of cause and effect. There are no coincidences. Both success and failure are the result of some cause. Success in trading is an expected result that has a specific reason. And it's largely predictable. One of the greatest advances in connecting personal and professional success was the discovery of the theory of determinants of success. Here we are talking about every factor that decides the prospects or futility of a company or person. A wrong decision on one issue will be enough to jeopardize the entire enterprise. Fortunately, we are only talking about 17

18 several factors. But always, as soon as problems arise in business, main reason consists mainly of inattention to one of the success factors. This book talks about the determinants of success in trading. These include: searching for new clients, setting up meetings, defining a problem and proposing solutions, presenting, overcoming objections, completing a deal, working through formalities, as well as proper organization actions. Deficiencies in one of these areas can reduce intended success or lead to failure. Each of these abilities must be mastered in the best possible way in order to be able to use them in other situations. The theory of determinants of success is applicable to many life situations. We encounter the determining factors of success in professional activities, in the family, in maintaining health and physical fitness, in matters of financial well-being, etc. In order to have exceptional results in each of the listed situations, it is necessary to establish on what factors in a particular area depends success. Then you should analyze, using a scale of one to ten, what you are capable of in each of these areas. Based on your results, you can create a professional development plan. Remember that first of all you should pay attention to those factors that deserve the lowest rating. Let's say that you rated your performance in all areas assessed by the determinants of success as a seven, and in only one area you had to be satisfied with a score of three. It is this three that determines the results that you will achieve in all other areas using your various abilities. This assessment will determine the boundaries of your earnings and income. Your weakest determinant of success will indicate the completeness of your achievements in all areas. Let's say you do everything else perfectly, the only problem you have is organizing your work time. Your inability to manage time accordingly negatively affects all trading results. You spend too much time on unproductive activities, and as a result, you have too little time for the things that are essential to a successful sale. You have too little time for better and more promising clients. This could jeopardize your future sales career. The same applies to traveling salesmen. You may have exceptional success in all subsequent phases of the sale, but when you are unable to make contact with a new potential buyer, this weak point can cause a sudden 18

19 the end of your career. What factors determine your success? What are the determining factors for success in your profession? How would you rate yourself on a scale of one to ten in each specific area? In which area of ​​activity do you feel most confident? If you don't know how to evaluate yourself, ask your management, colleagues, or even clients! Take your self out of the game. Your career depends on how sincerely you can answer these questions. One of the salespeople who took part in my seminar took this advice too much to heart. He asked a buyer he trusted at what point in the sales process he made mistakes. The buyer was convinced that the seller wanted to hear the truth, that he would not be offended or offended, and replied; You ask good questions, but as soon as I start to answer, you interrupt me and start praising your product like a barrel organ. The seller was very surprised by the buyer's words. He didn’t even notice that he didn’t allow his interlocutor to interject a word. Of course, he did this unconsciously, but, unfortunately, this is what most people do. After this conversation, the seller wanted to know more about himself and asked other clients from whom he had heard the same thing. It was this information that helped him think about his behavior and ultimately contributed to a significant increase in his income. When you ask others to evaluate your behavior and you don't really like the answer, you shouldn't be offended or angry, just ask for more explanation. If your interlocutor reproaches you for something that you do not yet understand, ask him to explain it with an example. Don't make mistakes, don't argue with him and don't make excuses. Just listen and remember his answer. If you make it a habit and regularly ask others how you appear to others, you will be surprised how important everything you learn turns out to be and how useful it can be. With this information, you can immediately start working on yourself. Don't waste your energy defending yourself or making excuses. What did you find out while doing personality analysis, in which area of ​​activity were you the best? What makes you unique as a seller? How are you different from your competitors, how are you better than them? What makes you excel in your field? Why customers should buy product 19

20 from you, and not from another seller from your or a competing company? Each person has abilities thanks to which he can achieve fantastic results in a certain field of activity. You can be an excellent salesperson if you discover some exceptional qualities in yourself and work to develop them further. Focus on identifying and improving them. You can use your abilities directly in working with clients. Perhaps your trump card is excellent personal qualities and the ability to listen carefully to the needs of the client. Good salespeople often say: Dear customer, you can probably buy the same product from someone else, but there is something that no one else can offer you. Except me! If you buy this item from me, you will receive my identity with it. If you find a better deal anywhere, I'd be happy for you to take it. Also think about your appearance. How do you appear in the eyes of your client? Evaluate your costume, additional accessories and general form. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask: Do I look like the best salesperson in my field? If you have questions or uncertainty, ask others for advice. Ask people around you what you need to do to look better. If you do not be offended, you will always receive valuable instructions, thanks to which you can improve your appearance. To create a solid personal work plan, you should devote a lot of time detailed description their values ​​and defining priorities and ideals. Carefully analyze all aspects of the current situation in your personal relationships that affects your professional activities. The more accurately and thoroughly you do this, the more objective the picture of the current state of affairs will be. This will give you reason to think about where to look for your starting point and what means are needed to achieve your goals. Thanks to this procedure, you will achieve success faster and thus increase your sales volumes. ENTERPRISE ANALYSIS The best salespeople devote a significant portion of their time to becoming thoroughly familiar with their company. They know when the company was created, what positions the most important people occupy, who has what competence, and who has the casting vote. They know the structure of the departments, and they are well informed about everything that concerns the company in which they work. Regardless of the size of the company, you need to know what products it sells, what its main customer groups and markets are 20

21 sales outlets with which the company's personnel work. It’s good if you know what their beginnings were like and what they sold then. You should know the main products and markets for the last three years. What has changed in the company's activities since then? What trends are noticeable in the company, who are the main buyers? What important products, customer groups and markets will your firm serve? They say there are three types of people: a smaller group are those who do something and achieve something, a slightly larger group are those who observe, and the largest group are those who constantly ask: What is going on? If you want to be a man of action, you must pay close attention to what is happening around you. What development plans exist in your company? What goals need to be achieved, what should be avoided, what needs to be changed given the current market situation? What values ​​are practiced in your company? What principles? These may be written or unwritten rules, but they must exist. They manifest themselves in attitudes towards employees and clients. Think about what these people mean to the company. The values ​​you profess are the basis of your personality. Your company's values ​​are the basis of its reputation. Ideally, your values ​​and the values ​​of your company should be in harmony with each other. In any case, there should be no conflict or contradiction between your value systems. It is very difficult to work for a company that cultivates values ​​that are not acceptable to you. You must clearly define your value scale and the company's priorities. Pay attention to whether they are consistent with each other. What is your company's marketing strategy? Why are the products offered by the company exclusive? In which industry is it superior to its competitors? In what area of ​​activity have you achieved particular success? What does your company do better than others? Each person or enterprise is created to fulfill its special purpose and performs certain functions better than others. All processes, affairs and services are related to this special purpose. Just as you have exceptional capabilities, your firm dominates the market in certain areas. Think about what areas these are. What position does your company occupy in the market? This question is as important as each of the determinants of success in your job as a salesperson. One of the most important reasons why people buy or don't buy something is the company's reputation. If you are a representative of a company that has earned its good name, you can easily negotiate with the buyer and sign contracts. 21

22 A bad company reputation can destroy the results of all your incredible efforts. Imagine that you work for a company that ranks fourth in the industry. This means that there are three best companies that offer similar products or services, but of better quality. But there are other companies that are considered worse than yours. The position of the company determines primarily the amount of income and remuneration of employees. What position does your company take? The quality of goods and services is usually decided by customers. The customer's opinion about the quality for which he would pay more in comparison with other offers changes over time. Quality is affected by the product itself, related services, and even the method of selling it. The ratio of price to accepted value can also be part of the quality assessment. In other words, a moderate price can have a positive effect on the assessment of the quality of a product, while an overpriced one can worsen the opinion of it. In any case, you should find out how the customer defines expected quality before using the product quality assessment as an argument in the conversation. Every company has a classification according to which the personal qualities of employees are formally or informally assessed. How were you rated? And the main question: how can you improve your productivity, become better? There is a direct connection between your earnings, profits and quality scores. Being at the top should be one of your goals. Of course, you will not jump from fifth place to first overnight, first you will move to fourth, then to third, etc. Your interest in improving quality is as important to your career as your firm's interest in ranking higher in the marketplace. This is what determines success. How can this be achieved? MARKET ANALYSIS Every strategy comes down to a strategy for capturing the market. Every strategic plan aims to achieve better results in the competition for the market. The goal is to win the client and defeat the competition. Achieving it and improving results is impossible without an appropriate strategy. The condition for success is organization and streamlining of all actions; this is the only way to increase income. Most sellers succumb to the so-called workday credit model. They concentrate their energy on completing the allotted time and evaporating. And not for a second is 22

23 will think about what might happen in a month or a year. When you add a personal strategic plan to the results of the market analysis and this serves as the basis for your actions, then you will move to the manager model, that is, you will determine the direction of your career and will not be a passive seller, like most of your colleagues. To compare your products or services with those already available on the market, first answer the question: how does it compare to other products or services that are available on the market? Market development analysis has the function of a radar, i.e. constantly controls this market. Therefore, you can concentrate your efforts accordingly to achieve your goals and select the best buyers to whom you can sell your product faster and easier. You should read the chapter on this subject in particular detail to ensure you understand the topics and concepts contained therein. SMART USE OF ENERGY The basis of strategic planning is to achieve a certain goal using a certain amount of energy. The point of market analysis is to develop such abilities and take such actions in order to achieve optimal results by spending a given amount of energy. Below are two metaphors that will help you maximize sales in your industry. It's a metaphor money tree and the farm metaphor. Money Tree Metaphor The money tree metaphor is this: Think of each individual customer as a likely money tree with many branches that will someday bring you profit and positive feedback, not just in terms of working for the firm, but in many other ways. This is sometimes called the salami tactic. During the first contact with the client, do not try to make a big move, try to convince him to give you only a thin slice of what the other supplier is now receiving. This thin slice will give you the opportunity to familiarize the client with your services; you can offer him, for example, expedited contract execution, goods highest quality, lower prices or small benefits to show him all the benefits of your company's offer. Thus, you are holding one branch of the money tree in your hands. If the client is satisfied, contact him again and try 23

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